Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lots of folks see it, but why down towards the bottom

Nice tips on building "green" here..

Neighborhoods Partnership Network » Low Cost Green Building Strategies

but all the way at number 11


Description: Low-water landscape designs (such as xeriscape) reduce water use by emphasizing native and/or drought tolerant plants, eliminating turf areas, and minimizing maintenance. Efficient irrigation systems, such as drip and micro irrigation, place the correct amount of water directly at the base of each plant, thus reducing water use and waste from over watering.

Benefits:Water efficient landscape and irrigation systems help plant growth and overall health by eliminating overwatering or excessive drying.They also lower water bills and reduce impacts on water supply infrastructure.
Call me biased, I think we should start moving water conservation tips more towards the top of our priorities. :) In any case, I appreciate them adding water conservation and drip irrigation in their write up.

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